Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Early Monday morning, we departed for Edinburgh.  As Robert has mentioned, I booked first class seats to assure that we would be able to enjoy our 4 hour trip in comfort and relative quiet.  It was well worth the expense, as we were served a full English breakfast and lots of almost decent coffee (even Starbucks can mess up a cup of coffee in the UK!), drinks, and a sandwich for lunch.  It was remisiscent of trips I made as a child on the Southerner when we were served in the dinng car from real china, linens, and silverware. The scenery became more and more exotic as we made our way north of London and the views of steep pastures dotted with sheep cascading down to a rocky shore line were breath taking. 

We quickly settled in at the Princes Street Apartments, located just minutes from Waverly Train Station and the Royal Mile. On both Monday and Tuesday, the weather was absolutely perfect-- sunny and a cool 65-70 degrees, and we walked our legs off exploring the Old Town and the surrounding sights, ending with the Military Tattoo on Tuesday night at dusk.

 On the train to Edinburgh

 Princes Street Apartment

I decide for the first time in my life to wear socks with my sandals to sooth my aching feet.  After Harry made fun of me and snapped this picture, I took them off.  I guess I still subscribe to the theory that is is better to look good than to feel good.

 Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

 View from Edinburgh Castle

View from Edinburgh Castle

View from Edinburgh Castle

Starting down the Royal Mile

Holyrood Palace

Holyrood Palace Gardens

Park at the end of the Royal Mile

One of numerous quotes decoratiing the side of the new Scotish Parliament

Along the Royal Mile

Military Tattoo

Military Tatoo

Military Tattoo


Harry, waving at Loch Ness (a preview of the next blog) 

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