Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church

Sunday was Robert's last day at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, where he spent his summer break from Wake Divinity School volunteering his time conducting various pastoral and administrative tasks and filling in for vacationing staff members.  Harry and I enjoyed attending the morning worship service and meeting some of the people with whom Robert had developed a relationship over the summer.  We chuckled over the way the British word things as we read in the bulletin:  "Welcome to Bob Stillerman's mother and brother, who have come to Bloomsbury to collect Bob." 

The church has an active web page which can be viewed at http://bloomsbury.org.uk/ and Robert has faithfully posted his blog, with pictures, that I I have linked to this blog.  Thus, I won't try to duplicate information that is already available, but will only include a few snapshots and make a few observations from my perspective. 

Robert and me at the entrance of the church

Katarina, Robert, me,  and Andrea in the vestibule of the church, which serves as a gathering place and refuge for anyone passing by during the week.  The church is located in London's West End sandwiched between an affluent neighborhood and the historic impoverished area that was the setting for Charles Dickens' novels.  Doors are opened from 8:00--4:00 every day to the poor and homeless, as well as individuals and businesses wishing to use the facilities for auditions, play practice, and other community related meetings.  Coffee, tea, and snacks are always available.  The outreach from the vestibule is is a major undertaking, requiring a full time facilities manager and numerous volunteers to staff the welcome desk. 

Robert and Willim bidding farewell on our day of departure.  Bloomsbury church can be seen in the background. 

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